UPDATE: 2-19-2024
Adie had her litter on Saturday, 2-17-2024 @ 10:15am. The litter is doing very well. It was a very small litter and have already been appointed to past contacts. You may visit Adie on our puppy cam at www.youtube.com/c/zipway – from there, click on the LIVE feed tab. As it was a small litter, we may be able to breed again this coming August / September time frame. Future plans will be made available here on the website when the time is correct. Look for information regrading Litter C.
Litter B will be with Adie.
Adie went through a breeding between Dec 16 – 18, 2023. The breeding attempt was successful, with a whelping ETA of around February 14 – 18ish, 2024. We will be raising the puppies in Eagle River Wisconsin.
Breeding, information, LIVE Puppy CAM, and more at Hovi Life, Litter B on YouTube Channel.

Adie Braun Gustafson – “Adie”
DOB: 11-3-2019
HCNA: 19407
Chip/Tattoo: 603606619
TT PASSED 10-16-2022
Special Training: Service Animal / Search & Rescue
Special Appearances: Zip Away Productions <http://www.ZipAwayPro.com>
Elbows: NORMAL
Thyroid: NORMAL
Color: Black & Gold (a.k.a. Black & Tan)
63 lbs. of a sweetheart and full of love!

Epic ex Horto Albo
DOB: 2-24-2021
HCNA: 23-434
Thyroid: NORMAL
Color: Black
85 lbs. of Hunk of LOVE!